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Find a home that fits your lifestyle and meets your needs for the best possible price.

Buying a home is an exciting adventure!  These days, buyers are more sophisticated as a result of technological advances and more exacting with regards to their servicing expectations.  Data from the National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers shows that home buyers thought the most important services agents offer are helping find the right home and negotiating the sales price and terms.


Whatever your lifestyle is, whatever your priorities are in a home, we want to match you with them.  Our goal is to help you find the property that best meets your needs so that you can enjoy your home all the days you live there.

How we support buyers as their most

proactive advocates

Entire Tucson Market

We have access to every home listed for sale in Tucson through the Multiple Listing Service.  As your buyer's agents, we are hired to act on your behalf to procure your home and to keep you informed every step of the way.

Relevant Sales Analysis and Cost Sheets

We provide data on relevant properties that have sold or are actively for sale so that you can fashion a realistic offer based on fair market value.  The cost sheets we provide show your estimated expenses and how those expenses will impact your bottom line.


We understand that buyers are driven by both the price and the features of the home.  We understand that you want to get the most home for your money, and we always negotiate with that goal in mind.  As a matter of fact, Sistine has earned the Certified Negotiation Expert designation which allows her to use leading edge negotiation techniques for your benefit.

Search Capabilities

We activate computer searches on the Internet to find properties that meet your criteria.  These searches work 24 hours a day/7 days a week.  Upon finding a match, you are notified when a new property comes on the market.  At your convenience, we go view the home together.

Referral List of Professionals

We offer our list of trusted professionals for any service you may need; from lenders and inspectors to moving companies and contractors (for repairs).


We prepare the legal paperwork that goes along with selling a home and make sure that all the timelines of the contract are strictly adhered to.

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